Rugby is a game sport in which the task of the teams is to traverse the field to cross the opponent’s area, or to score the ball. The ball can be touched with both hands and feet. The opponents may only pass in the opponent’s area with their hands, while scoring is allowed only with their feet.
The hallmark of Rugby is a very rough play between opponents with a minimum amount of physical restraint. This makes Rugby matches even more thrilling and entertaining.
All you need to know about Rugby
To place a winning rugby bet, you need to know what the rules of a particular tournament are. There are 3 main types of this game which differ in the number of players on the field: Rugby 15, Rugby 13 and Rugby 7. The first is the most common, with 15 players on each side. The game is played in two 40-minute periods. There is no extra time allowed. If the match is interrupted, the referee stops the time as well. Once the 40 minutes is over, play continues until the ball goes into touch or the attacking side makes a mistake.
The second form of rugby, rugby-13, is also called rugby league. This sport is most popular in England and Australia. A reduction in the number of athletes on the field increases the dynamics of the game compared to rugby-15. According to the Laws of the Game, the attacking team is limited to an attacking time of five phases. If there is no attack before the in-goal, the ball is kicked forward to the opposing team.
The last game played at the Olympics is Rugby Sevens. The rules are identical to those for Rugby 15, but there are only half as many players on a similar-sized pitch. It is less injury-prone and its effectiveness depends more on the speed of players rather than their physical strength. Rugby Sevens is not played as a separate sport but is transferred there for specific tournaments from Rugby 15.
Types of Rugby Betting
In Rugby, as in other popular playing sports, bets are accepted on outcomes, totals and handicaps. The outcome can come in three variations – a win for one team or the other, as well as a draw. A try in Rugby 15 and 7 earns 5 points. You can also get 2 points for a successful free-kick after a try has been scored. A further 3 victory points are awarded for a successful free-kick at goal.
In Rugby 15, teams score by all of the above methods. In Rugby 7, however, players normally only score victory points for tries and goals. In rugby-13 a try scores 4 points and a free-kick score 2 points. Only 1 point can be earned by hitting an opponent’s goal.
In Rugby 15 championships there is almost always an underdog and a favourite. In most cases, the favourite team will beat the underdog. The statistics confirm this – with the exception of 2003 when England won the World Cup, the most recent World Cups have all gone to Australia, New Zealand and South Africa – the nations leading the rugby league. Bookmakers are aware of this and bookmakers will always place minimum bets on the victory of the inevitably stronger team. Therefore it makes sense to bet on Rugby handicaps.
Match Analysis for a Successful Rugby Forecasting
Because of Rugby’s high injury risk, you should analyse the squad and player by player carefully. There is rarely more than one match per week to give players time to rest. Before betting on Rugby 15 and 13 matches, you should consider the statistics of the previous encounters. Sensations will be extremely rare, more often the scenario of previous matches is repeated.
It is necessary to take into account that it is quite a productive sport. Often one of the teams will score more than 20 points and the overall average total ranges from 38 to 42 points.
When betting on totals and stats, you have to take the weather conditions into account. In all weather conditions, the match will not be cancelled and the teams will have to play in both rain and snow. When the weather is bad, performance is significantly reduced, but the number of injuries increases dramatically.